The Mundari language has its own literature from the last century to till today. Some of the literary works of this language are:
a)      Encyclopedia Mundarica (16 Volumes):Rev. John Hoffman, S.J. and Rev. Arthur Van Emelen, S.J.
b)      Mundari Grammar:John Hoffmann, S.J.
c)      Mundari Songs:Archer, W.B.
d)      Mundari Dictionary: Mundu, M.M.
e)      Teach Yourself Mundari: Hans, C.A.
f)       The Munda and Dravidian Languages (Linguistic Survey of India, Vol. IV.): Grierson, G.A.

g)      The Mundas and their country:Roy, S.C.
h)      Phonetic Reader Series: Sinha, N.K.
i)        Bhumij Grammar: Ramaswami, N.
j)        Mundari Grammar: Sinha, N.K.
k)      Mundari Grammar and Exercise: Hoffman, J.
l)        Mundari Sikhyaka: Mahato, J.
m)   Mundari Phonetic Reader: Sinha, N.K.
n)      Mundari English Dictionary: Bhaduri, M.B.
o)      Astronomy of the Mundas and their associated star myths: Bhaduri, M.B.
p)      Munda: Sarma, D.
q)      The Munda Languages: Anderson, G.D.S.
r)       Mundari Folk Tales: Mitra, P.
s)       Mundari Primer: Whitley, J.C.
t)       Dimension of religion, magic and festivals of Indian tribe; The Munda: Oraon, K.
u)      Hoffman on Mundari poetry: Hoffman, J., Prasad, D.
v)      Cultural formation of the Mundas: Yamada, R.
w)    Musical culture of the Munda tribe: Topno, S.
x)      Studies in the Mundanumericals: Zide, N.H.
y)      The dust-storm and the hanging mist; A study of Birsha Munda and his movement in Chhotnagpur: Singh, S.
z)       A Munda song book: Archer, W.G.